How to Extend The Benefits of the Community Drum Circle to Specific Population Groups: A Brief Compendium
My contribution addresses " People with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities". Special thanks to Simon Faulkner for inviting me to participate in this project.
“This compendium provides essential information to people entering the work-place with the intention of using the community drum-circle format to support specific population groups. Experienced professionals provide their insights into applying the benefits of this musical process to the needs of different groups, including youth, mental health, drug & alcohol, aged care, refugees, veterans, prisoners, corporate executives and many more. Sections of this resource include advice on 'Setting up for Success', 'Avoiding Common Mistakes', and 'Practical Examples of Interventions Relevant to the Population Group Discussed'. Other sections examine 'Pricing Your Work', 'Evaluating Your Work', 'Managing Challenging Behaviours' & 'Duty of Care' ...” - Simon Faulkner (Editor)
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1. Introduction
2. Duty of Care
3. Evaluating Your Programs
4. Pricing Your Work
5. Managing Challenging Behaviors
6. Early Childhood
7. Youth
8. Young People with Autism
9. People Recovering from Trauma
10. People Dealing with Mental Health Challenges
11. People Managing the Impacts of Drug or Alcohol Addiction.
12. Refugees

13. Neuro-Diverse Communities
14. People with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities
15. Working with Seniors in Aged Care
16. Working in Memory Centers with Alzheimer's and Dementia
17. People Managing Grief and Loss
18. People Living with Cancer and Their Families
19. Prisoners
20. Veterans
21. People Impacted by Natural Disasters
22. Aboriginal, 1st Nations and Other Groups
23. Spirituality and Wellness
24. Corporate Organinisations
25. Evaluation Templates
26. Recommended Readings