HealthRHYTHMS® is a research-based life enhancement tool. It is a recreational music-making (RMM) protocol based upon published studies by a research team led by Barry Bittman, M.D., a neurologist.
It is NOT a drumming lesson or performance -based class. It promotes communication and self-expression through use of drums and percussion.
Evidence-base Benefits:
Reduced Stress & Burnout
Reduced Turnover/Drop-out Rate
Improved Mood
Strengthened Immune System
Improved Creativity & Bonding
" This was a WONDERFUL release! Sweet Retreat with a Beat! ... "
HealthRHYTHMS® may be used to create a health promoting environment, empower people to move beyond their perceived limits, bring to surface what is difficult to express in words alone, draw people together, and enhance communication and morale. No prior musical experience is needed. All instruments are provided.
Potential applications for HealthRHYTHMS® include: conflict resolution, stress management, improving morale, team building, support groups, employee wellness initiatives, patient groups, schools and universities, senior citizens groups, long-term care centers, drug and alcohol rehabilitation environments, at-risk youth facilities, etc.
Source and more information: REMO HealthRHYTHMS

" It really assisted in clearing my mind!"
"Very relaxing, reflective, and a way to get away from our stress and craziness!"
" Great - Reminder to take care of myself - mentally & physically "